Eugene, Oregon, United States of America
If you have a solid business foundation with an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution, a strong academic record including a proven emphasis in quantitative skills (think econ and accounting), you may be eligible for our accelerated program. It's intense, but who wouldn't want to complete an MBA in fifteen months?
Focused: Specialize your experience with one of four curricular specializations to set yourself apart. Choose from sustainable business practices, innovation and entrepreneurship, sports business, or finance and securities analysis.
Hands-on learning: Our hands-on learning approach offers Oregon MBA students unprecedented access and insights to their industries, ensuring they have direct experience addressing the complex business challenges companies face.
Customizable curriculum: Bypass core classes to focus your studies on issues and topics that matter most to you and your professional development.
Caring faculty and staff: Our staff and faculty are approachable and helpful, and they keep generous office hours. By the end of your MBA, you will have gotten to know each other well, whether over lunch and coffee or through the give-and-take of class.
Small cohorts: Keeping our student to faculty ratio at 3:1 and our incoming classes around 50 students means people will know your name and your goals and go out of their way to help you achieve them.
Networking, internship, and career opportunities: Career planning here is personalized and integrated—blending academics and experiential opportunities based on your own career objectives.