* Resume or LinkedIn profile upload recommended
Room Anne - Floor: 1
Participating Schools
Discover accredited full-time, part-time and online MBA & EMBA programmes. Achieve clarity and confidence in your studies planning, no matter where you are in your journey! Attend a minimum of three one-to-one meetings on event day to receive beneficial incentives. Exclusively at this event, all attendees will have the opportunity to join the Women & MBA panel discussion where keynote speakers share insights about innovative MBA experience.
About this event
- Meet admissions directors during 20-minute One-to-One and small group meetings
- Learn about executive education, its ROI, and the EMBA experience from business school alumni
- Receive advice and support from the Access MBA consulting team, as well as GMAT and scholarship information
Most common questions
Have questions? We are here for you:
The Access MBA team is composed of over 80 full-time and multi-lingual professionals that work on a daily basis to advance international business education from our offices in Paris, Sofia, Montreal and London.