AESE Business School

Lisbon, Portugal


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AESE Executive MBA
The AESE Executive MBA is an intense journey of personal and professional transformation that prepares you to face challenges in any business scenario General management perspective You will gain profound comprehensive insight into the company from a general management perspective, which will allow you to understand the uniqueness of each operational area, the interdependence between them and how they are affected by your decisions. Effective leadership Build and align effective teams around a shared vision and a common purpose. Deepen your ethical and humanistic vision of leadership and learn to take an active role in the community. Strategic decision making…
Program format
Part time - Weekend
Lisboa, Portugal
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Participar no 22º AESE Executive MBA foi uma jornada desafiadora, porém incrivelmente gratificante. O programa moldou não apenas minhas competências profissionais, mas também minha visão de mundo e minha capacidade de liderança. Ao terminar o programa sinto-me mais preparado para enfrentar os desafios do mundo dos negócios à escala global. Caso procure uma experiência de aprendizagem que vá além do convencional e impulsione sua carreira para novos horizontes, eu recomendo o AESE Executive MBA. Além das caraterísticas destacadas acima, gostaria de mencionar outros pontos que tornaram minha jornada no 22º AESE Executive MBA ainda mais especial: • Corpo Docente: os docentes da AESE e os diversos oradores convidados têm uma vasta experiência académica e no mundo dos negócios internacionais • Rede de alumni: a AESE oferece uma rede global de ex-alunos que se torna uma fonte inestimável de apoio e oportunidades de networking. • Ambiente de aprendizagem dinâmico: o programa reúne profissionais de diferentes setores e origens, o que cria um ambiente de aprendizagem rico e estimulante.
Luis Calado Chief Sales Officer
The AESE Executive MBA turned out to be an intense journey of learning, growth and transformation, both personally and professionally! In an increasingly complex, unpredictable and competitive context, the case study method made all the difference in learning and grasping concepts. In addition to strategic, analytical and creative knowledge, we covered relevant topics such as leadership, human behaviour and project management and analysis. I strengthened my ability to adapt and to be resilient, as well as new problem-solving perspectives and critical thinking. The EMBA was an important step, but not the last; I know I still have a lot to learn and grow, certainly stronger and with a wider network of contacts!
Jacquelina Vieira Head of Business Insights & Strategy
The AESE Executive MBA was an immersive experience that took us on a journey through the world of business. In a holistic way, we were able to deepen the different strategic perspectives and consolidate an integrated vision of business development. The case method provides an intuitive approach to acquiring knowledge, allowing it to be applied in a practical and real way. This method cultivates companionship and the creation of a support network that reflects true team spirit.
Leonor Cerqueira Team Leader of Business Development and Project Management,
Last update on: 02/10/2024
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