An MBA degree might require time and money but it is among the few things that can have a substantial effect on your annual paycheck. Actually, it can increase your salary to more than £100,000 ($140,000). Not bad, right? Still, the MBA has been repeatedly called into question over the years.
Is it worth it or is it not?
Emolument.com – the salary benchmark site – analysed data from over 2,000 MBA holders working in Europe to find out which MBAs were most likely to lead to a career in finance and tech – two of the most common markets for high-end business professionals.
It also looked at how much they are currently paid in order to find out which MBA programmes were the best investments in the long run
CHECK OUT: Top 4 MBA Career Paths and Their ROI (INFOGRAPHIC)
Cambridge's Judge Business School leads both sectors, with an average salary around the £100,000 mark for Tech and Finance. 20% of its Tech MBA students also went on to work in the sector, the highest proportion of any MBA course.
Although Cambridge Finance grads were the highest paid, the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland had the highest proportion of students go onto Finance careers, estimated at 70%.
Doing a prestigious finance MBA can also lead to substantial bonuses for many MBA graduates, with three of the top five receiving 30% or above against their base salaries.
While Tech MBA programmes appear to result in lower average salaries and sector retention than Finance, the prospect of being the next Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs will be enough to tempt many future students to pay for the best MBA, whatever the price.
Below are the top five salaries for Tech MBAs
Although many people will continue to wonder if paying for an MBA is really worth it, the figures above clearly demonstrate that at least money-wise, it'd be a good bet.
Clearly, an MBA degree can get you a better salary. But what else can you get out of it? And also, what can you not? See for yourself here: What an MBA Degree CAN and CAN'T Do for You
Source: Business Insider