GMAC, the organisation administering the GMAT exam, is preparing to offer temporary online alternatives in regions impacted by test centre closures due to the coronavirus outbreak.
GMAC aims to provide these options by mid-April, if not sooner, so that schools can meet May deadlines for application decisions. More detailed information is expected in the coming weeks.
Applicants who need assistance can contact the Customer Service team, but GMAC warned that the call volume is higher than normal.
No reschedule fees
Effective immediately, GMAC has temporarily waived all GMAT exam reschedule fees. Test takers can now reschedule to another date and/or location (pending any travel restrictions) at no charge.
Rasmus Buchholz, Marketing Associate Manager at GMAC, said: “We recognise this pandemic also affects GMAT exam registration plans. With so many questions surrounding test dates, we want to help alleviate some of the uncertainty. We hope this additional flexibility will support test takers who find themselves in a situation where they cannot sit for their scheduled exam.”
Applicants can visit GMAC’s dedicated coronavirus pages for the most up-to-date information on test centre closings, modified testing procedures, health and safety measures, as well as test taker FAQS.