Professionals considering a 2018 MBA programme at a top B-school have an exciting opportunity to participate in One-to-One Meetings during AccessMBA’s upcoming MBA Fall Tour. Kicking off on September 9 in Lagos, Nigeria, the MBA Fall Tour is a unique and personal method of pairing prospective MBA students with Admissions Directors for One-to-One Meetings in order to discuss the advantages of MBA degrees in general, particular MBA programmes, and top B-school experiences.
One-to-One Meetings process
Following your online registration with AccessMBA, a team of experienced consultants will review your credentials and, if you are selected, schedule a phone interview with you to discuss your personal educational goals and determine which top B-schools will be a good match for your needs. Then you will be notified of your appointed time slots for individual consultations with MBA Admissions Directors at top B-schools around the world – hand-picked just for you.
Who can participate in One-to-One Meetings?
Not everyone who registers online will secure a One-to-One Meetings slot. Admissions Directors want to prioritise those candidates who are committed to obtaining their MBA in 2018, so if that is your goal, you have the first step out of the way. Next, you need to have already obtained your Bachelor’s degree programme and have 2-3 years of relevant work experience. Finally, you need to be fluent in English since all preliminary phone interviews and most One-to-One Meetings are conducted in English.
Apart from those qualifications, a particular B-school may have further requirements they expect from their applicants. The consultant in your initial phone interview will know what those are and whether you qualify so he or she can advise you appropriately.
Check out: The AccessMBA Tour
Preparing for One-to-One Meetings
It is not advisable to walk into your One-on-One Meetings without having first prepared. You will have 25 minutes to make a great impression, so use the time wisely. Research the university and prepare a list of questions in advance (see below.) One very basic rule of advice is to be on time. This is your very first impression on that Admissions Director, so do not start off on the wrong foot. Dress according to the impression you want to make as well as according to the job you wish to have upon graduation. As an MBA candidate, you want to project the image of a confident business person, so present yourself as if you already had the degree. Admissions Directors will be on a very tight schedule all day, so be sure to close a minute or two early. Do not drag on the conversation past the allotted time for the meeting.
Follow basic rules of courtesy and etiquette after the meeting as well. Be sure to thank the Admissions Director for their time. Within a day or two, send a thank-you note or email so you stay fresh on their mind. If you decide to submit an application, let the Admissions Director know. This further reinforces your commitment to both the MBA programme as well as to the B-school.
Finally, do not rest all your hopes on any one school. Stay open to other options just in case your first choice does not pan out.
Questions to ask during your One-to-One Meetings
As mentioned above, your One-to-One Meetings with B-school Admissions Directors are great times to demonstrate your commitment to an MBA programme as well as to get information by asking the right questions. The Admissions representatives are trained to answer any questions about the MBA programme, student life on campus, and what types of career assistance are available. Also, challenge the Director as well to show how its programme is set apart from others. Tailor your questions to your particular needs or wants. Here are 10 questions to get you started, but do not limit yourself to these:
- How does your MBA programme compare to those at similar B-schools?
- How many electives (optional courses tailored to your specific interests) are allowed, and which ones are offered at your school?
- Are there any distinguishing or noteworthy aspects of your faculty or programme?
- What types of internships are available?
- Will I get real-world experience with clients during class projects?
- Does your school offer any opportunities for study or internships in another country?
- What extracurricular activities, student groups, and amenities are offered?
- Do you have residential facilities and, if so, what are they like?
- What career placement services are available to me as I approach graduation?
- What should I do to improve my chances for admission to your MBA programme?
The AccessMBA Fall Tour is far more than just One-to-One Meetings. During the event, you will also get advice on preparing for your MBA programme and for the GMAT that may be required as part of your admissions packet. You can get information about possible scholarships and other funding options. And you can also participate in panel discussions about various MBA topics that are advised by B-school representatives and MBA programme alumni.
Check out: AccessMBA Tour: candidate testimonials
In short, AccessMBA’s One-to-One Meetings are an excellent chance for you to gain in-depth knowledge about a B-school you are considering, as well as personalised insight into the applications process. If you are considering a fall or spring 2018 enrollment, do not miss this valuable opportunity.