MBA-Exchange.com is the international marketplace for top business talent. Business school students and alumni explore career opportunities while employers recruit mid- and top-level managers. Based in Switzerland, the company was founded 7 years ago by a Wharton and INSEAD alumnus and has now over 80,000 registered candidates and 800 active companies.
What are the services offered by MBA Exchange?
MBA-Exchange.com provides comprehensive career services for the students and alumni from the top business schools, while helping companies target and recruit mid and top managers. Simultaneously, it provides over 50 business schools with tailored solutions for online career management and alumni networking. More than 75,000 business school students and alumni use our services to research industries, companies, and job opportunities, submit their CVs, and network with peers. For recruiters we offer search and selection, employer branding and job posting facilities, and advice on MBA programs basis. Each job is validated before it is posted to ensure its quality. Read materials and listen to our web casts from companies promoting their recruitment brand. Web casts are particularly rich for absorbing info on potential recruiters.
How do companies perceive MBA graduates?
There is no easy answer to this question. It really depends on the company's industry, location, size, etc. There are those who really value the MBA and dedicate substantial resources in recruiting and developing MBA programs within their companies. There are others who appreciate the degree as well but do not have the resources to recruit the MBAs as their hiring needs are limited. Last, there are lots of companies that are looking for the best talent and the MBA is not a prerequisite perse. However, even for this last group, the top MBAs can be of tremendous value and we see them regularly getting jobs in areas that are not MBA-minded. On the market perception of the MBA, I would like to share with you one of my favourite quotes: "It is your attitude and not your aptitude that will determine your latitude". The best MBAs combine the right skill sets with the right interpersonal and managerial skills.
What are the current trends in MBA recruitment?
MBA recruitment is certainly picking up, especially in financial services and investment banks. Furthermore, due to reduced intake of fresh grads over the last years quick promotions will not be uncommon. Another trend to highlight is the growth in the ex Soviet Union and China. Over the last year many companies have approached MBA-Exchange.com to source MBA talent. They seek people with experience working in an international environment, speak the local language, and understand local customs. Be aware though that the era of fat ex pat packages is over. If you are going home, it may be on a local contract. Many large multinational companies are also restructuring their recruiting process. They favor e-recruiting and use MBAExchange. com to reduce their overall recruiting costs. We also see a trend of more companies setting up MBA internships and fast-track programs to ensure a steady intake of talent.
Being an Executive MBA graduate International University of Geneva yourself, what would you advise to someone who wants to get an MBA?
Choose your school wisely. Talk to recent alumni and employers. An MBA is a huge investment, so aim for best schools with highest market recognition. It is well worth getting expert advice from the MBA.
About Peter Vyvyan-Robinson
Peter Vyvyan-Robinson joined Internet Exchange SA in its start-up phase in 2000 as its commercial manager. Prior to joining this dot com, Peter worked 12 years as a soft commodity trader out of Lausanne, Geneva and Rotterdam. Peter holds a BA in European Studies and an Executive MBA from International University in Geneva. Here is Peter's overview of how to get a job after graduation.