The test centre and at home testing experiences are even more similar than before
If you have already started your research into what it takes to obtain an MBA degree, you are probably well aware of the standardised admission tests that most business schools and MBA programmes require of applicants. The GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) and GRE (Graduate Records Examination) are the most common examples of such tests. They are designed to assess the analytical, quantitative, writing, and reading skills of graduate school candidates and can be used to single out the most qualified business people from the overall pool of applicants.
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Keep in mind that admission test scores are just one element of the evaluation of your application. Although some B-schools use the test score as a strict pre-selection criterion, other programmes emphasise other criteria such as managerial experience or the good fit of the candidate with the school. In addition, there are plenty of programmes which do not list a GMAT or GRE score as a formal requirement at all. Even so, scoring high on one of the most common admission tests can impress the admissions board and help you get accepted to your programme of choice, win merit scholarships or even impress future employers. Finally, preparing for the tests equips you with the skill set for success during your studies.
The test centre and at home testing experiences are even more similar than before
Testing at home in response to Covid-19.
Students affected by coronavirus-related test centre closures can now take the GRE at home.
At-home testing options expected by mid-April due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The MBA admission process involves much more than just comparing GMAT scores.
GRE Subject Tests can be a useful asset in getting admitted to some MBA programmes.
One in four people around the globe use some sort of social network.
If you are looking for answers to the question of how to improve your GMAT score, these tips may help you.
What is the "Integrated Reasoning" section in the GMAT? Get a feel of the test and understand why it is so important for the MBA application process.
Take a break and improve your GMAT score by reading about how people have increased their own scores to stellar levels!
Find out what the alternatives to the GMAT exam are and how some schools have decided to develop their own admission tests.
Is there a requirement to take the GMAT for executive MBA programmes? Many business schools don't subject EMBA applicants to the test.
Test your knowledge and level of preparation with an online TOEFL or GMAT practice test from some of our top partners.
Find out more about GMAT preparation from a GMAT expert and reach your goal of being admitted to a top business school.
Learn how to crack the GMAT with four simple tips from a GMAT expert.
Standardised tests expert Hubert Silly explains what is a good GMAT score for admission to an MBA programme and stresses the importance of preparation.